de-stressing from our crazy world


News can be exhausting. In today’s world, there is a new conflict every day to evaluate, take sides on, and worry about. There are so many causes that need our consistent support - like black lives matter or indigenous peoples liberation. Though it may be surprising to hear, it’s not only okay, but essential, to turn it all off and focus on yourself for a moment. In order to keep up momentum, we have to take care of ourselves. 

  1. Do some yoga with a self-proclaimed fat & queer femme yogi, Jessamyn Stanley. 

  2. Re-read your favorite book

  3. Have a cup of some tasty and equity-focused direct trade tea

  1. Revamp some of your old jeans with clothing paint

  2. Read naomi's sketchbook guide and make some art! 

  3. Watch and support a show with diverse representation, like “One Day At a Time”

  4. Make a face mask at home!

  5. Go for a walk and take photos of everything you find beautiful along the way

  6. Make a tasty snack for yourself

  7. Meditate, perhaps with the help of an app like Calm or Headspace.


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